Monday, February 8, 2010


Come into effect from 1st February 2010

1. Code of Practice for Working Safely at Height - 2009
2. SS 537: Code of Practice for Safe Use of Machinery
Part 1: General requirements - 2008
3. SS 531: Part 1: Code of Practice for Lighting of Work Places,Indoor - 2006
4. SS 531: Part 2: Code of Practice for Lighting of Work Places, Outdoor - 2008
5. SS 531: Part 3: Code of Practice for Lighting of Work Places, Lighting requirements for safety and security of outdoor work places - 2008
6. SS 548: Code of Practice for Selection, use, and maintenance of respiratory protective devices (Formerly CP 74:1998)- 2009
7. SS 549: Code of Practice for Selection, use, care and maintenance of hearing protectors (Formerly CP 76:1999)- 2009
8. SS 536: Code of Practice for the safe use of mobile cranes Formerly CP 37:2000)- 2008
9. SS 510: Code of Practice for safety in welding and cutting (and other operations involving the use of heat)- 2005
10. CP 101: Code of Practice for safe use of powered counterbalanced forklifts - 2004
11. CP 91: Code of Practice for lockout procedure - 2001
12. CP 27: Code of Practice for factory layout — safety, health and welfare considerations - 1999
13. CP 62: Code of Practice for the safe use of tower cranes - 1995
14. CP 63: Code of Practice for the lifting of persons in work platforms suspended from cranes - 1996
15. CP 79: Code of Practice for safety management system for construction worksites - 1999
16. CP 84: Code of Practice for entry into and safe working in confined spaces - 2000
17. CP 14: Code of Practice for Scaffolds - 1996
18. CP 20: Code of Practice for suspended scaffolds - 1999
19. CP 23: Code of Practice for formwork - 2000
20. CP 88 – 1: Code of Practice for temporary electrical installations — Construction and building sites - 2001
21. CP 88 – 3: Code of Practice for temporary electrical installations — Shipbuilding and ship-repairing yards - 2001
22. SS 473 – 1: Personal eye-protectors — general requirements - 1999
23. SS 473 – 2: Personal eye-protectors — selection, use and maintenance - 1999
24. SS 508 – 1: Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs — Design principles for safety signs in workplaces and public areas - 2004
25. SS 508 – 3: Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs — Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas - 2004
26. SS 98: Industrial safety helmets - 2005
27. SS 513 – 1: Personal protective equipment — Footwear — Safety footwear - 2005
28. SS 513 – 2: 2005 Personal protective equipment — Footwear — Test methods for footwear - 2005